Tax Authority Timor-Leste
Tax Authority of Timor-Leste is responsible for the administration and enforcement of domestic tax laws, tax collection, and providing taxpayer services in Timor-Leste.
ATTL handle various taxes, including income tax, value-added tax (VAT), pay as you earn, and other tax-related matters. Additionally, the authority is responsible for registration of business companies, business activities, and the provision of tax clearance certifcate(Certidao de Dividas).
The Tax Authority system has been interfaced with the TileSW to facilitate electronic exchange of data on the business registration, Taxpayer Identification Number(TIN) and the Dividas for Customs Clearance purposes.
Launching Ceremony of systems interface between Customs and Tax Authority persided over by HE the Vice Minister of Finance, Mr. Antonio Freitas, on 24th March 2023. Present also HE Minister of Transport and Comunication, Mr. Agustinho da Silva, and HE Vice Minister of Commerce, Mr. Domingos Antunes Lopes, and ASYCUDA Regional Coordinator for Asia, Ms. Marianne Dumont.
Since the GO-Live on 24th March 2023 up to 30th June 2023, the number of Dividas that integrated to TileSW system is 2133, whilst Business Registration is 2131
- Real-time accurate information
- Time reduction
- Cost and paper reduction